Thursday, December 8, 2011

The hallucinogenic property of Caffeine

A recent study has demonstrated that high caffeine intake combined with stress increases the propensity to have hallucinations.

According to the researchers consumption of 5 cups of coffee or more could produce hallucinogenic experiences, such as hearing something when there is nothing there. It is true that people quite rarely consume that many cups of coffee, but it is not such a distant reality when we take into account all the caffeinated beverages or food that we ingest in a day, including soda, chocolates, coffee ice-cream, etc.. When it all adds up, we are more likely to find out that we are ingesting the same amount of caffeine contained in 5 cups of coffee.

According to the study, caffeine triggers hallucinations in people who are already stressed, but they also specify that it not only increases the level of stress but it also increases pronness to hallucinations.

Other studies had linked caffeine to anxiety disorders and panic attacks, and now it has been found to produce hallucinations. It seems that as research focuses more on this compound, it is revealing itself as being quite detrimental to our mental health.

Just keep that in mind!


Living with Anxiety

Read more about caffeine and hallucination at


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