Tuesday, December 6, 2011

High Magnesium Intake Reduces Anxiety and Fear

A new study has found that increasing magnesium in the brain also increases activity in the control centers of the brain (the prefrontal cortex) thereby improving control of the fear response.

How does magnesium achieve this effect? By simply improving cognitive ability. The normal fear response is triggered in a dangerous situation, but in anxiety disorders the memory of the danger or the trauma induces the fear response. The process is automatic and uncontrolled, but by improving cognitive ability, the brain is essentially putting the brakes on this automatic response. The traumatic memory stays, but it no longer affects the brain.

The study focused on a magnesium compound called Magtein, which has produced positive results in lab rats. Keep in mind though that the study was funded by ADP, inc, which manufactures Magtein and that it was not evaluated by the FDA

All in all, increasing naturally occurring magnesium (in moderation) will not be harmful to your health but only healthful to your mental.


Living with Anxiety

For more info about the study go to http://www.sacbee.com/2011/12/05/4101375/new-study-finds-high-magnesium.html


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